C++ Operators

An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform certain mathematical or logical operation.

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Relational Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Assignment Operators
  5. Increment and Decrement Operators
  6. Conditional Operators
  7. Bitwise Operators
  8. Special Operators
  9. Extraction Operator ( >> )
  10. Insertion Operator ( << )
  11. Scope resolution operator ( :: )

-> Arithmetic Operators :

                  Arithmetic operators are used for mathematical calculation. C++ supports following arithmetic operation.
  • +    :  Addition or unary plus
  • -     :  Subtraction or unary minus
  • *    :  Multiplication
  • /     :  Division
  • %   :  Modulo division

-> Relational Operators :

                   Relational operators are used to compare two numbers and taking decisions based on their relation. Relational expressions are used in decision statements such as if, for, while, etc...

  • <      :  Less than
  • <=    :  Less than or equal to
  • >      :  Greater than
  • >=    :  Greater than or equal to==   :  Is equal to
  • !=     :  Is not equal to 

-> Logical Operators :

Logical operators are used to test more than one condition and make decisions.
  •  &&  :  Logical AND ( Both non zero then true,either is zero then false)
  •   | |     :  Logical OR ( Both zero then false,,either is non zero then true)
  •   !       :   Logical NOT (non zero then false,zero then true)

-> Assignment Operators :

               Assignment operators are used to assign the result of an expression to a variable. C++ also supports shorthand assignment operators which simplify operation with assignment.

  • =        :    Assign value of right side to left side
  • +=      :    a+=1 is same as a=a+1
  • -=       :    a-=1 is same as a=a-1
  • *=      :    a*=1 is same as a=a*1
  • /=       :    a/=1 is same as a=a/1
  • %=    :    a%=1 is same as a=a%1

-> Increment and Decrement Operators :

These are special operators in c++ which are generally not found in other languages.
  • ++  :  Increments value by 1.
              a++ is postfix, the expression is evaluated first and then the value is incremented.
              Ex. a=10;b=a++; after this statement, a=11,b=10.

              ++a is prefix, the value is incremented first and then the expression is evaluated.
              Ex. a=10;b=++a; after this statement, a=11,b=11.  

  • --   :  Decrements value by 1.
              a-- is postfix, the expression is evaluated first and then the value is incremented.
              Ex. a=10;b=a--; after this statement, a=9,b=10.
             --a is prefix, the value is decremented first and then the expression is evaluated.
             Ex. a=10;b=++a; after this statement, a=10,b=9.

-> Conditional  Operators :

A ternary operator is known as Conditional Operator.
exp1? exp2: exp3 if exp1 is true then execute exp2 otherwise exp3
Ex: x= (a>b) ?a:b;  which is same as

-> Bitwise Operators :

                 Bitwise operator are used to perform operation bit by bit. Bitwise operators may not be applied to float or double. 
  • &     :     Bitwise AND
  • |       :     Bitwise OR
  • ^      :    Bitwise exclusive OR
  • <<    :    shift left (shift left means multiply by 2)
  • >>    :    shift left (shift right means multiply by 2)

-> Special Operators :

  • &          :    Address operator, it is used to determine address of the variable.
  • *           :    Pointer operator, it is used to declare pointer variable and to get value from it.
  • ,            :    Comma operator, it is used to link the related expression together.
  • sizeof   :    It returns the number of bytes the operand occupies.
  •  .           :    Member selection operator, used in structure.
  • ->         :    Member selection operator, used in pointer to structure.

-> Extraction operator( >> ) :

Extraction operator( >> ) is used with cin to input data from keyboard.

-> Insertion operator( << ) :

Insertion operator( << ) is used with cout to output data from keyboard. 

-> Scope resolution operator( :: ) :

Scope resolution operator( :: ) is used to define the already declared member functions of the class.