Use Case Notations for Use Case Diagram

1. System boundary :

The scope of a system can be representation by a system boundary. The use cases of the system are placed inside the system boundary, while the actors who interact with the system are put outside the system.
2. Use case :

A use case represents a user goal that can be archived by accessing the system or software.

3. Actor :

Actors are the entities that interact with a system. Although in most cases, actors are used to represent the users of system, actors can actually be anything that needs to exchange information with the system.
4. Association :

Actor and use case can be associated to indicate that the actor participates in that use case.

5. Generalization :

 A generalization relationship is used to represent inheritance relationship between model elements of same type.

6. Include :

An include relationship specifies how the behavior for the inclusion use case is inserted into the behavior defined for the base use case.

7. Extends :

An extend relationship specifies how the behavior of the extension use case can be inserted into the behavior defined for the base.

8. Constraints :

Show condition exists between actors an activity.

9. Package :

Package a defined as collection of classes. Classes are unified together using a package.

10. Interface :

Interface is used to connect package and use-case. Head is linked with package and tall linked with use-case.

11. Note :

Note is generally used to write comment in use-case diagram.

12. Anchor :

Anchor is used to connect a node the use case in use case diagram.