C++ Example

Concept of OOP
                          In this program, specify the basic concept of OOP in c++ programming language.

Sum of two numbers
                     In this program, specify the how to find addition of two numbers using function concept also with arguments and with a return value.

Maximum out of three numbers
                        In this program, specify the how to find maximum number out of three numbers in very simplest way.

                    In this program, check the whether given number is palindrome or not.

Prime number
                    In this program, check the whether given number is prime or not. 

Average n percentage of 5 subject marks
 In this program, check the average and percentage of five subjects marks and print them.  
Basic Arithmetic operation
          In this program, perform the basic arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction , multiplication, division. 

Write a program that creates a class book, having public function getdata for getdata for inserting data of book title, author,price by user and display function for display those data using class object and dot operator
                    In this program, creates the book class based on some attributes using class object and dot operator. 
Volume of Box
                    In this program, specify the volume of box.
Average of 5 ODI and test match
                   In this program, specify the average of cricketer for 5 ODI and test match. 
Details of Employee
                  In this program, specify the basic details of the employee.