Class Model
- The structure of an object in system includes:
i. Identity
ii. Relationship to other object
iii. Attributes
iv. Operations
- This model provides context for state and interaction model.
- The goal in constructing class model is to capture those concepts from real world that are important to application.
State Model
- Describes history and behavior of a system with respect to time.
- Explains context of events and organization of events with states.
- Actions and events in state model become operations on object in class model.
Interaction Model
Explains interaction between objects.
It also explains, how individual object collaborate to achieve behavior of system as a whole.
i. Use Case Model:
Document major theme for interactions between system and outside actors.
ii. Sequence Model:
Describes object that interact and time sequence of their interactions.
iii. Activity Model:
Shows flow of control among processing steps of a computation.