Formatting Elements of HTML in Web Technology

Several tags exist to further amplify text elements. These formatting tags can make text bold, italic, sub/ super-scripted, and more.

1) Tag : <b>
     Description : The <b> tag specifies bold text.
     Example : <b> Bold Text </b>

2) Tag : <i>
     Description : The <i> tag specifies italic text.
     Example : <i> Bold Text </i>

3) Tag : <em>
     Description : The <em> tag specifies emphasis text.
     Example : <em> Bold Text </em>

4) Tag : <sup>
     Description : The <sup> tag defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the baseline.
     Example : <p>This text contains</p><sup> superscript </sup></p>

5) Tag : <sub>
     Description : The <sub> tag defines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the baseline.
     Example : <p>This text contains</p><sub> subscript </sub></p>

6) Tag : <tt>
     Description : The <tt> tag defines teletype text.
     Example : <p><tt>This text is teletype text</tt></p>

7) Tag : <blink>
     Description : The <blink> tag is used for blinking the text.
     Example : <blink> blinking text tag </blink>